Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Top 10 advantages to having a teeny tiny itty bitty apartment

10) Frugality: If you don't have space to put stuff, chances are you aren't going to be buying a lot of excess stuff.

9) Dietary guidance: When your refrigerator is the size of a shoebox, you'll only put staple foods in it, therefore eliminating extra unneccessary calories.

8) Teamwork: You have to work together to make it a decent, functional living space. End of story.

(This is my favorite room in the apartment: Steven's closet+storage area+pantry)

7) Money saver: You can heat the entire thing by turning on the shower and keeping the door open (since we don't pay for water separately from rent, this works out really well)

6) Efficiency: You can stand in the doorway of the bathroom and sweep and mop the entire thing. Same goes for the kitchen.

5) Lost and found: Lose something? It's found within 5 minutes. 10 if it's really lost.

4) Cleaning: You can clean the entire thing in 30 minutes. 45 if you're being thorough.

3) Conflict resolution: During a disagreement with your spouse, there is nowhere to run and hide. You are forced to resolve said disagreement right away (this is better for me than him).

2)  Not too much wall space: Just enough space to hang up our updates from our friends who are making a big impact for the Lord!

1) Memories: It is our first home, and one that I will always love and cherish.

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