Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Goodbye sweets, see you in 40 days!

As you all know (or should be aware), today is Mardi Gras/Fastnacht Day, which means tomorrow is the beginning of Lent. I'm not Catholic, Lutheran, or Episcopalian, but I think Lent is a great practice for everyone. And this year, I'm going big or I'm going home: I'm giving up sweets.

Yes, my friends, I'm saying goodbye to chocolate, candy, cookies, cake (including brownies), and ice cream until Easter. This is going to be extremely difficult for me. I have something sweet everyday, and chocolate is a staple food group in my diet (yes, even nutrition majors have their vices). And, as everything in life, there are multiple reasons, such as depending on God to meet my needs as opposed to immediate, material comforts and getting some direction in life (...and fitting into my wedding dress come June 4th).

Speaking of weddings, plans are coming along swimmingly :) I am so excited to get married... 88 days! Steven and I found our yesterday that we can use his family home in Ireland, so that is where we are going for our honeymoon. I have discovered my biggest pet peeve thus far in wedding planning: people treating me as if I have no idea what I am doing. Yes, I have a lot going on and I have not been married before, but TRUST me- I got this. Please do not relive your wedding through me.

Anyway, I hope you join me in this journey! I'm not asking you to give up sweets, but I ask you to consider giving up something until Easter. It can be a certain food, a certain type of music/movies, Facebook, etc. It could also be adding something to your life, like 30 minutes of exercise 5 days a week, volunteering at a soup kitchen every Saturday, going to church every Sunday, etc. Regardless of what you do, I guarantee that you will grow by the end of it if you sacrifice wholeheartedly and take it seriously. And then let's get coffee- part of the journey is fellowship and support!

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